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Are you interested in an internship?



Are you looking for an opportunity to serve God for a few weeks during the summer? Perhaps you are in between high school and college and you are looking for an opportunity to be used by God. Here's one opportunity for you to consider. The MTW-Cherokee Team typically hosts interns to work alongside them in the work of Grace Community Church of Cherokee and by working alongside the church groups that come to Cherokee to serve throughout the summer.


Some of the experiences you could be involved with can include:

*Serve as liaison to short-term teams throughout the summer helping to facilitate the work of the teams that come to serve alongside Grace Community Church of Cherokee.

*Building relationships with Cherokee teens you might encounter while serving in the community, mentoring them as God opens doors.

*Sharing the gospel with those you meet, as God gives opportunity.

*Grow in your understanding of a new culture and learn from the indigenous people you will meet.

*Assist with worship at Grace Community Church of Cherokee through music and singing.

*Develop lasting friendships with people you will meet through serving.

*Grow in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the experiences and challenges you will encounter.


If you are interested in exploring the possibility of participating in a cross-cultural internship without having to leave the boarders of the United States, Cherokee might be the place for you. You can find more information on the MTW website at or by calling MTW at 678-823-0004 and ask to speak to someone about an internship in Cherokee, NC.


Click on the Mission to the World tab at the top to go to their website for more information.

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