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Belgium Happenings

We arrived in Brussels, Belgium on Tuesday, July 1 about 9:00 am local time.  We were met at the airport by Lucas from the ZavCentre where we will stay for the month.  We got back to the ZavCentre about 1 hour before lunch, so we took some time to get settled into our rooms.


After lunch, Johnathan and I set out to find a bank so we could get some Euros to spend and a store so we could get a few necessities.  We were successful on both counts!


Since we lost six hours in our travel (9:30 am Tuesday here is 3:30 am EST) Ruth and Katie chose to get some rest instead of exploring.


Hopefully we are all caught up on our rest now.  Please continue to pray for our adjustment to time and culture.

Our home for the month is the ZavCentre in Zaventem, Belgium.  We are here with 10 other families, including children, interns, and staff (about 50 people  in all).  We are learning all about living in close community!



Our meals have been prepared here at the centre by staff.  The big meal is lunch and supper is basically meat, cheese, bread, and an occasional soup.  Breakfast has consisted of eggs in some fashion (scrambled, scrambled with ham, hard boiled but not all on the same day), cereal, bread, juice, coffee, milk.  Needless to say, the change has taken some getting used to.  We did find a Greek restaurant yesterday after church that was quite good.  Please pray that we would all be willing to step out of our comfort zones with food and be willing to try new things.

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